
Group 5 had a total of 417 peacocks this past week.  This total included 60 over 10 lbs, 23 over 15 lbs and 10 over 20 lbs.  The largest peacock weighed in at 26 pounds.

Water getting low.


Group 5 has a total of 182 peacocks as of lunch time today.  Jeff Sanders caught a 23 lber this morning.  That makes 5 over 20 pounds.

The fishing was a little slow this morning due to low water and light showers, so the Otter is moving to another part of the river.  There were also showers yesterday afternoon.


As of lunch time today, Group 5 had a total of 127 peacocks.  Jeff Sanders has two 21 lbers caught this morning, and also a 25 lber.  There are 14 over 10 lbs, 8 over 15, and 3 over 20 lbs.


Group 4 finished their week of fishing with a total of 656 peacocks.  There were 76 over 10 lbs, 27 over 15 lbs, and 9 over 20 with a 26 pounder being the largest caught.

Water level still good.


Group 4 is up to 238 fish with 5 weighing in over 20 pounds.  Two 22 1/2 pounders were caught early today.  There were caught by Charles Paradowski, Sr. & Charles Paradowski, Jr.

Water level is great.


After a day and a half of fishing, group 4 has landed 152 peacock bass.  This number includes 24 over 10 lbs, 7 over 15 lbs, and 3 over 20 lbs.  Steve Novy weighed in the largest peacock so far.  It weighed in at 24.5 lbs.

Water level is great.