As of lunch time today our group of 13 anglers have 385 peacock. They have 15 over 10 lbs, a 16 lber and a 17 lber.
Last week’s group ended up with a total of 652 peacocks. They had 56 over 10 lbs., 22 over 15 lbs., and 4 that were 20+ lbs.
This week’s group is up to 114 peacocks at lunch break today. They have 8 over 10 lbs. and 2 over 15. Their largest weighed in at 17 lbs.
Yesterday after lunch our anglers added two 21 pounders to their total. As of lunch today they are now up to 619 peacock with 52 over 10 lbs., 18 over 15 lbs. and two 20 lbers & 2 21 lbers. They still have the rest of the day to fish.
As of lunchtime today, our anglers had landed 518 peacock bass. They have 42 over 10 lbs, 13 over 15 lbs. — 4 of which are 19 lbers — and two 20 lbers.
Our anglers added another 134 peacock, including another 20 lber, to their total since yesterday at lunch. Today at lunch they have 391 fish. They now have 35 over 10 lbs, 10 over 15 and two 20 lbers.
This week’s anglers were up to 257 peacocks when they came in for lunch today. They now have 29 over 10 lbs, 7 over 15 with one 20 lber.
Our group of anglers had 117 fish as of lunch time today. They had 18 over 10 lbs., 6 over 15 lbs., with one 20 lber.
Our anglers are up to 611 fish as of lunch time today. They now have 14 over 10 lbs and 4 over 15 lbs.
Group 4 was up to 483 peacock bass landed when they came in for lunch today. They have 10 over 10 lbs and still only 3 over 15 lbs.
Gilberto called at lunch today to report that this week’s anglers are now up to 285 fish. A 17 lber is their largest catch so far.